Thrive Causemetics® billboard

Home Portfolio Thrive Causemetics® billboard


billboard mockup of monochromic people below text


Thrive Causemetics® (Completed as a personal project).


Attract additional clientele and expand the brand’s reach with an impactful billboard design.


Marketing & advertising graphic design.


Crafted a billboard that is visually appealing, easily digestible, and invites a connection with the brand through streamlined graphics.


Expanded the brand’s reach, fostering increased awareness among a broader audience.

Tools Used

Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.


“Thrive Causemetics® was born out of a friendship. Makeup artist and product developer, Karissa Bodnar, lost her dear friend Kristy to cancer at just 24 years old. Kristy’s compassionate and vivacious spirit inspired Karissa to establish Thrive Causemetics, a beauty brand and philosophy that goes beyond skin deep by empowering diverse communities (” 

Developed a promotional billboard for a brand lacking such advertising material. The project was undertaken independently for an academic assignment and was not commissioned by Thrive Causemetics®.

“Final” Drafts

sunflower with bee
house, heart, ribbon, woman, makeup icons
woman with long legs
eyes behind text
group of people below text

First Design created in 2022

old mockup of billboard with group of people below text
design of billboard colorful people below text


After reviewing the initial color scheme, I identified issues that could affect visibility and create visual conflict. Consequently, I opted for a simplified monochromatic palette, aligning more closely with the brand identity and effectively conveying the intended message.

New Design created in 2023

billboard mockup of monochromic people below text
design of monochromic people below text

Works cited Our Story. 2023. 

< our-story>.